Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated

Josiah Dornford to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

[1] Dear Schlegel
I have just time to inclose a letter, which I received this morng. from
Reading concerning our friend Fiorillo, whom I wish to do all the service to in my power & hope that Mr Charnocks information will be satisfactory. We are all in the most anxious suspense relative to the conduct of the Enragées in France in consequence of the recapture of their unfortunate King – I sin[2]cerely hoped that he had found an asylum in Germany, till the news came of his being apprehended on the road. Mr Geo. Smith is just gone to join his Regt – I have received a letter from Mr Heyne this morng dated in April, which I cannot account for. Pray make my respectful compts to him, Professor Lichtenberg, and all my German friends. You will much oblige me by sending the inclosed [3] letter to Fredericks Mother & desire Gumprecht to give her three pounds sterling & draw upon me in London for the money. I suppose by this time Mr Lawrenceʼs family are arrived if they are pray make my compts & recommend Fischer as their Physician
Leben sie wohl
Yours sincerely
Lincolnʼs Inn London
June 30
th 1791
[4] Dear Schlegel
  • Dornford, Josiah   Einlagebrief  ankündigen  Fiorillo, Johann Dominik
  • Dornford, Josiah   Brief  empfangen  Heyne, Christian Gottlob
  • Dornford, Josiah   grüßen lassen  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
  • Dornford, Josiah   grüßen  Heyne, Christian Gottlob
  • Dornford, Josiah   grüßen  Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
  • Dornford, Josiah   Einlagebrief  senden lassen  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
  • Schlegel, August Wilhelm von  Geldsendung  erbitten  Gumprecht, Moses
  • Dornford, Josiah   grüßen  Lawrence, Richard James
  • Dornford, Josiah   grüßen  Fischer, Johann Heinrich
Metadata Concerning Header
  • Date: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 1791
  • Sender: Josiah Dornford ·
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel ·
  • Place of Dispatch: London ·
  • Place of Destination: Amsterdam · ·
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-1a-33442
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.6,Nr.20
  • Number of Pages: 3S. auf Doppelbl., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 23,5 x 18,7 cm
  • English
  • German
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Cook, Hermione
  • Varwig, Olivia

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