Newly transcribed and labelled; double collated

Juliet Smith to August Wilhelm von Schlegel

[1] Piercefield Oct: 1790
I am extremely concernʼd, that anything should have disturbed the cordiality, which I flatterʼd myself subsisted between you &
my Son; I felt myself happy in the idea of his being placed with a Gentleman whose character I esteemʼd, as much as I respected.– Shall I confess to you, Sir, that your letter surprised me more than the young Manʼs? in his, I discoverʼd the impatience of Youth to throw off the restrain[t] of a Governor, in yours, I observed a degree of Anger, which I think on reflection, you will deem unworthy of you, when you consider, that all Boys are eager to become Men, over-rate their own abilities, & think themselves capable of regulating their Conduct & Affairs,– long before they are. As, in his letter, he asserts nothing, but what you confirm, I entreat you to see it in the same light that I do;– pardon the hastiness of Youth, & do not discard from your Friendship a heart that is naturally good,– thoʼ perhaps in this, as well as many other respects, faulty – Forgive my adding, that the reading a letter not [2] intended for your perusal, is not quite consistent with that delicate sense of Honour, I should have expected from you – The liberty you have allowʼd my Son, meets both with Mr. Smithʼs & my approbation, so long as Geo: does not abuse it – let him enjoy it – it will qualify him the better to become his own Master hereafter. Mr. S. joins me in Comps. –
I am with great Respect, Sir
Your Obedient hble Serv
J. Smith.
I beg my Love to Geo:
  • Smith, Juliet  Konflikt  besorgt sein  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
  • Schlegel, August Wilhelm von  Konflikt  Smith, George Thomas
  • Smith, George Thomas  Brief  senden  Smith, Juliet
  • Schlegel, August Wilhelm von  Brief  senden  Smith, Juliet
  • Schlegel, August Wilhelm von  verärgert sein  Smith, George Thomas
  • Smith, Juliet  beruhigen  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
  • Smith, George  Begleitung  mitteilen  Smith, Juliet
  • Smith, Juliet  grüßen  Smith, George Thomas
  • Smith, Juliet  grüßen lassen  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
Metadata Concerning Header
  • Date: Montag, 11. Oktober 1790
  • Sender: Juliet Smith ·
  • Recipient: August Wilhelm von Schlegel ·
  • Place of Dispatch: Piercefield House (Chepstow) ·
  • Place of Destination: Göttingen · ·
  • Provider: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
  • OAI Id: DE-611-34477
  • Classification Number: Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.25,Nr.73
  • Number of Pages: 2 S., hs. m. U.
  • Format: 23,7 x 18,3 cm
  • English
  • Bamberg, Claudia
  • Varwig, Olivia

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